Tuesday 13 August 2013

How do i improve my immune system?

In winter adults and children start getting sniffles. So the topic of boosting up your immune system comes along winters.
There is an old saying 'prevention is better than cure'.

So below are given the list of some foods which can boost up your immune system and keep you strong and healthy even in winters and prevents you
from diseases like flu and cough.


It is said repeatedly, that one should eat brightly coloured vegetables to keep them healthy and strong. Do you know the reason behind it? It is so because vegetables of colours like orange, red, green have highest amount of carotenoids like beta carotene, which helps to maintain your immune system shape.


Nuts are enriched with vitamins and antioxidants and contains high amount of zinc in them. This prevents your body from heart diseases and keeps your immune system strong.


Berries contains high amount of vitamin C, which prevents body against any injury to cells and therefore is important for healthy immune system. They contained flavonoid which acts as antioxidants and attack on the free radical moving in the body.

(In Limited Proportion)

Here is the good news for chocolate lovers, chocolate also help in boosting immune system.

It contain cocoa, if you use cocoa in moderate amount it will prevent your body against heart attack and will lower down the cholesterol level of the body.


Fish is the great source of omega 3 and fats, some people are deficient in it. Fish is also the zinc producer as our body can't manufacture zinc. It helps in cell building including immune cells.


Garlic promotes the growth of white blood cells and fight against bacteria and infection. It is antioxidant also and can be easily included into your diet.


Yogurt is enriched with calcium which makes our bones strong. It gives good bacteria's to our body which are necessary for health.


Mushrooms fight against infection and boost up the activity of white blood cells in body.


They contains large amount of vitamin A, Which keeps your skin healthy and glowing. And give it power to fight against infections.

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