Monday 18 December 2017

The Beautiful World Above The Clouds by Roberto Bertero

This Photos Are Taken By Roberto Bertero And And Here What He Said About His This Experience... 

My name is Roberto Bertero, I am a musician and mountain photographer based in Turin, Italy. I am presenting you a selection of shots taken in high mountain, all in very special moments: when I happened to find myself above the clouds, or fog and haze (often a mix of these elements).

Clouds are generally obscuring our sky when we are on the plain... but if viewed from above they are a pure spectacle! These impalpable visions, so simple, elegant and ever-changing, are priceless... so detached from the material world. It’s like embracing a new ephemeral dimension, typical only of our most fantastic dreams.

As a matter of fact, after all the wonders I have seen, I could not even conceive photography if released from this mystic quest toward the infinite. In front of these scenarios, most of the time, especially at night, all my certainties must give way to the immensity of the unknown. It's like facing the bridge to the absolute, the gateway of awe.
Only from this desire to live again such priceless moments I take the strength and determination to regularly hike back to these higher “vantage points”, all located in truly remote places of the alpine range.

Definitely, I am not going there to conquer (what?), or to test myself, to see how long it takes me to accomplish a certain path (I couldn’t care less!)... but rather to earn the privilege of spending some time in these locations I deeply love. If for a moment you wish to imagine yourself spending a day/night above the clouds, longing for a higher dimension, well, sincerely I hope this series of images can help.

"There are moments in every man's life, when he glimpses the eternal" - Quote from James Hilton’s classic novel Lost Horizon.

By - Roberto Bertero.

1 Night Above The Clouds

2 A View From Above

3 Gateway Of Awe

4 Rivers Of Clouds At Moonlight

5 Mont Blanc With The Hat

6 Overlooking An Ocean Of Clouds

7 Mists Of Time

8 A Rare Sight

9 Above The Darkness Of The Night

10 A Walk On The Clouds

11 The Silent Dialogue

12 Monviso Emerging From The Clouds

13 Pristine Vision

14 The Immaterial World

15 Mont Gruetta At Moonlight

16 Matterhorn Above The Clouds

17 Floating Mountains

18 Magic Twilight

19 A Night Of Wonders

20 Like Mighty Cliffs

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